Collection: Aroma Oil Burners and Diffusers

Is your creature of fancy teleporting to you as we speak? Have a big meal to whip up and no time? Need to hide from the unnaturally creepy sniffing skills of a really peed-off Ogre? Then, at the last minute you realize you need a shower to remove the stench, Goblin guts, swamp muck, and Dragon..uh..whatever off of you but you don't have time? No problem! Fire up your trusty Aroma Oil Burner and cover all of the battle stink that has adhered to your otherwise still stinky core and watch as your guests almost don't notice your moonlight adventuring until you can take a dip in the town river. Preferably downstream from the drinking well. Your brand-new Oil Burner will make the muggy night air at least palatable, so your guests don't faint from all the funky cave stench. Get one now and river dip later.